8. Giving Order and Instructions.

How to Use Imperative Sentence

  1. Using “Please”

“Please send the report to the client by the end of the day.”

“Please make sure to double-check all the calculations before finalizing the budget.”

  1. Using “Let’s”

“Let’s have a team meeting to discuss the project’s progress.”

“Let’s all pitch in and help set up for the conference.”

  1. Using Modals

“Could you please prepare a summary of the meeting minutes?”

“Would you mind sending me the sales figures for the last quarter?”

  1. Using Sequencing Words

“First, gather all the necessary documents for the presentation. Then, create an outline.”

“Start by reviewing the project objectives. Next, assign tasks to team members.”


Expression of Giving Orders and Instructions

  • “Ensure that all employees complete the safety training by the end of the week.”
  • “Follow these steps to configure the software properly: Install, activate, and update.”
  • “Complete the report by the end of the day.”
  • “Please proofread the document for any errors.”
  • “Submit your expense reports every Friday.”
  • “Ensure all safety procedures are followed in the lab.”
  • “Be on time for the team meeting at 9 AM.”
  • “Double-check the inventory before placing the order.”
  • “Follow the company’s dress code for client meetings.”
  • “Use the designated form to request time off.”
  • “Keep the break room clean and tidy.”
  • “Refer to the user manual for troubleshooting steps.”

Exercise 1

For this part of the activity, you will be presented with multiple-choice questions. To answer each question, select the best option by clicking on the right answer.

Exercise 2

For this part of the activity, you will be presented with “Speak the word” challenges. To do the exercise, try to speak the word or sentence below.