Lesson 1 – What about you?
Warm up
- Ask students to look at the image. Explain that they can get information about the topic (the outer circle) by asking questions using the question words (in the center circle) and the adjectives/nouns (in the slices)
- Tell students to imagine they are at a party and to imagine that they meet someone new. Ask what information they want to know about the person. Write their ideas on the board.
- Use their ideas to check/revise making questions. Help them to make some questions about some of the information they wanted to know.
Main activity
- Tell students they are going to find out about the other people in the class. Put them in pairs and ask them to use the picture above as a reference. Tell them to look at the words in the image and ask their partner about any they do not know.
- Ask if there are any words that they still do not know. Ask other students to explain them before giving the meaning yourself.
- Explain that they should work with their partner and help each other to write two questions for each of the six subjects. They can use the words with each subject for help, or other words if they want. They can use the words in the middle for all the subjects if they want. Explain that they can avoid any information if they wish. Do an example or two together on the board, e.g. How old are you? How many brothers and sisters have you got?
- Go around giving help and checking that their questions are correct.
- Ask them to talk with their partner and compare their own answers to the questions.
- Ask them to stand up, and tell them that they should go around the class asking other students their questions. For each question, they should try to find someone who gives a similar answer to their own. Tell them to make notes about the answers they get.
- Check their results. Ask if anyone found a person with similar answers. Ask if there were any questions that no one answered in a similar way. Ask if they got any surprising answers.
Follow up
- Tell the students for watch the video
- Ask students to write down answers from the video that relate to a person\’s experience or what is the most exciting or surprising piece of information heard from the video.
- Ask students to watch the video again and write the questions.
- Ask students to record their own answers to the questions in the video.