Lesson 13 – First Aid

Warm up

This information is based on information from the St John\’s Ambulance Brigade, but First Aid information may vary from country to country.

  1. Have you studied any First Aid?
  2. How useful do you think it would be?

Main Activity

  1. The teacher will divide the class into pairs.
  2. Look through the quiz and explain any words that your partner does not know. If a word is unknown to both of you, underline it.
  3. Discuss the questions and agree on an answer for each
  4. You will be given a set of situations.
    The teacher will secretly tell you your part. You must remember your cards with the quiz answers and don\’t let anyone know. Partners take turns to take a card and do not show the card to your partner. You must pretend that there is a medical emergency, and so you phone your partner for advice. You use the notes on the card to explain the situation and ask for information about what to do. Your partner must give advice. When the partner has finished advising what to do, you can both look at the correct answer at the bottom of the card.


Follow up

  • Watch this video below;
  • The partners use the information from the lesson to write local newspaper reports about an imagined emergency and how it was dealt with by someone with First Aid knowledge. Put the stories on the wall or read each other stories.