Lesson 15 – Leisure centre
Warm up
- What are the most important places in the town for leisure activities? What do you do there?
- Revise the second conditional by giving a couple of examples of other facilities you would like, and what you would do if you had them. Think about what you would like and what you would do there. Ask if others agree or not and why.
Main Activity
You are on a committee to decide how to improve a leisure centre.
- There is a small community centre with some land around it.
- They have a grant to spend on improving the community centre.
- The committee can afford the money for only one improvement.
- Make groups of five, if possible, or together in pairs sharing a single role card; the activity works best if all five cards are used. The teacher will be the one who decides on the role cards and you must not show your role to anyone.
- about the cards:
– describe your suggestion
– show the secret reason you want your idea accepted - Explain your ideas, and persuade others why your idea is best. You should not tell anyone your secret reason.
- After a while, take a vote to exclude one or two ideas you like least. The people whose ideas are excluded must now choose to support other people\’s suggestions.
- After a while, vote out another one or two suggestions.
- Continue in this way until only one suggestion remains. Compare the winning suggestions of the different groups and see if there is an overall favourite in the class.
- Can you guess the secret reasons for the other students? Give each other clues to help the guessing.
Follow up
- Be with students that have the same role card with you into groups of up to four.
- Prepare a publicity campaign poster with a slogan and bullet points giving reasons why the townspeople should support your idea. The poster should be styled as an eye-catching advert and can use images if you wish.
- In addition, your groups can prepare a short talk of about a minute outlining your case in the style of a political ad for TV.
you can do something useful for the schools in the area.)
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