Lesson 18 – Lost property

Warm up 

  1. Your teacher will describe something on the board; you must guess what it is and ask questions.

Main Activity 

  1. You are going to play a game. You are tour guides, and you must find items lost by your tourists. Create groups. 
  2. Three students work at a restaurant, taxi office, and station. Your teacher will divide and tell you pictures. 
  3. Do not look at each other\’s pictures. You must phone the three places, describe the things, and ask questions. If you think you have found an object, make a note of where it is. 
  4. Make your first call; sit back-to-back for this. Some things look very similar. 
  5. After you have phoned the different places, compare pictures to see if you were correct. 
  6. The groups change roles; put new people at the places, and shuffle the pictures before sharing them out again. 
  7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 
  8. Compare the results of both game



Follow up 

  • Each group puts its pictures face up, and students divide into pairs or groups of three.
  • With your partners, you choose three items to describe without telling the other pairs/groups what you have chosen.
  • Write up a \’Lost property report\’, describing their items.
  • Exchange reports with others in their group.
  • Try to identify the lost items from the descriptions
