Lesson 20 – Well-being

Warm up 

  1. Ask students how they keep fit, e.g. playing sports. Ask what advice they can give to someone who is not fit. Elicit sentences with “should” using their information about how they keep fit, e.g. You should play sports. 
  2. Write on the board:
    Health is more than just being fit
    Good for you             Bad for you
  3. Then ask students what other things are important to health. Tell them to talk about it with the students around them.
  4. Write up their ideas on the board and ask which they think are more important.
  5. Tell the class that experts say lots of things are important to health. Write up on the board next to their list any of the following that students have not mentioned and ask for their opinions:
    Liking your life
    Optimism / positive thinking
    Liking the way you look
    Other people liking or loving us 

Main Activity

  1. Ask the students to read the survey sheet and let them ask about anything that is not clear.
    Class survey: A healthy life
    Find a partner and ask the questions in the survey. Give a score for the answer.
    Score 3 for or usually.
    Score 2 for sometimes or offer
    Score 1 for rarely or never
  2. Tell them to find a partner and interview each other and score their partner\’s answers 1, 2, or 3 for each question. Explain that any answers they give are going to be repeated to a group later and that they do not need to answer a question if they do not want to. 
  3. When everyone has finished their interviews, tell the students to make groups of between five and eight people.
  4. Tell students to report to their group about their partner\’s answers. 
  5. On a separate piece of paper, tell each group to find the total for each question; add up all the scores for question 1 to find its group total, then for question 2, and so on. 
  6. Tell the groups to look at the questions with higher scores and those with lower scores. Ask them to discuss: Why are the high scores high?

    Why are the low scores low? 

    How can we make the low scores higher?

  7. Ask the class to listen to the different results and ideas. Ask for comments. 

Follow up 

On the board, suggest ways of comparing the scores of different groups of people to find any interesting differences. For example, you could compare: 

  • male with female
  • tall people with short people 
  • birthdays in spring or summer with birthdays in autumn or winter

Ask students for other suggestions.

  • Students choose one way of comparing. Then they find five people of each type and copy the interview results for those people from the first half of the lesson.
  • They write a report in class or for homework describing their results