Lesson 8 – A perfect home

Warm up

  1. What are your hobbies and interests? What you need about special facilities, and which you can do at home.
  2. Imagine you were very rich and could have any facilities at home you wanted. What would you have?

Main activity




  1. You are going to read about people\’s dream homes.
  2. Look at the picture on the web. Look at the words in the box and ask your neighbours about any you do not know.
  3. Read the articles out to your partner, one by one, and then decide together what the people are talking about.
  4. Check your answers.


Write this list table on the paper or web:

a. My top five.
b. Next five.
c. They are OK.
d. Thanks, but I\’m not interested.

You should think about what you would like in your dream home if you could have the things in the box on the slide. The top five are the things you would like most; the following five are the five you would choose next. The last section is things you would not want at all.

Follow Up

  • Watch the video
  • Write down answers from the video that relate to a dream of your house
  • Record the results of the answers in audio form.