Lesson 2 – Life map

Warm up

1. Ask students to look at these questions, on their web (or just read the questions out loud). Elicit answers from several students.

  • When you were a child, was there anything about adults that you thought was strange or amusing?
  • Are there any ways that you see life differently now  that you are older?
  • What is the most surprising or unexpected thing about the way your life has developed?
  • Ask students to talk with their neighbours about the questions.

2 . Take the questions one by one and ask students if their neighbours had any interesting answers. Encourage comments and questions from the class.

Main activity

  1. Tell students that they are going to talk to each other about their lives and experiences. Put them in pairs, making sure that both partners have the same sheets: Student A with Student A, and Student B with Student B.
  2. Ask students to interview each other using the questions. Explain that they should write a short title or phrase under each question to help them remember the answers.  Tell them to help each other with words they do not understand and ask you if there is anything they are not sure about. Reassure students that they do not have to answer any questions they do not want to. You could teach the phrase I\’d rather not say or I\’d rather not talk about that.
  3. Ask what was the most interesting or surprising information they heard from their partner. Encourage comments and questions from the class.


In the beginning

1. What is your earliest memory?

As a child

2. What was your favourite room in the house where you grew up?
3. What was the name of a person you really admired when you were young?

Life experience
4. What is the most interesting place you have ever been?
5. What is the strangest thing you\’ve ever seen or done?

Looking back on your life
6. What is the biggest success that you\’ve had?
7. What was the biggest opportunity that you missed?

The present

8. Who do you most like spending time with?
9. What do you most enjoy doing?

Your future
10. What do you most want to change about yourself or your life in the future


In the beginning
1. What was the first present you received?

As a child

2. What was the most interesting place in the neighbourhood where you lived as a child?
3. As a child, what was the first job you wanted to do when you grew up?

Life experience

4. Who was the most interesting person you ever met?
5. What is the most dangerous or frightening thing that ever happened to you?

Looking back on your life

6. What do you most regret doing?
7. What are you most proud of?

The present

8. Where do you spend most of your time?
9. What is your favourite thing that you own?

Your future
10. What is your biggest dream or ambition?

Follow up

  • Tell the students for watch the video
  • Ask students to write down answers from the video that relate to someone\’s experience.
  • Ask students to watch the videos again and note the questions.
  • Ask students to record their own answers to those questions.