English for Professional Communication Current Status Not Enrolled Price Free Get Started Login to Enroll Login LEADERBOARD #1 Esa Siliwangi 1,013 #2 helix 599 #3 Glenn Slowik 292 #4 gunadi 255 #5 LEAD_Izzul 192 #6 Zahra Muthia 192 #7 LEAD_Apis 175 #8 Salisa Afifah 126 #9 LEAD_Listiani 122 #10 Gerry Ghifari 88 My Points: Module Content 1. Introduction to Professional English Communication 2. Cross-Cultural Communication and Accents 3. Participating in and Leading Business Meetings 4. Confidence in Public Speaking 5. Business Correspondence and Instant Messaging 6. Report Presenting 7. Negotiation and Persuasion 8. Technical and Complex Communication 9. Planning Marketing and Distribution 12. Real Life Case Study and Final Presentation